Snow in April

Just when you think winter is over for good, Kansas weather has a way of playing tricks on you. We woke up to 3 inches of beautiful wet snow covering the ground this morning. This snow storm wasn’t greeted with as much enthusiasm as the ones we received in February, but I still couldn’t help basking in the beauty of the snow this morning while doing chores. The snow is melting fast so it won’t last long but the extra moisture is still much appreciated.

Hope you enjoy the pictures of my snowy chore time!

The yaks don’t get near enough publicity and they are the only ones that actually enjoy the snow:)
The moveable chicken yurt that is housing our layer hens.
The Barred Rock hens after their first snow.
If you look REALLY close you can see our setting turkey hen. She is one dedicated mama!
The potatoes and onions I planted last week
Our newly planted raised garden beds.

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